Updated 05:45 AM EDT, Mon, Jun 03, 2024

Derrick Rose Injury: Joakim Noah Frustrated & Disappointed

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Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah expressed disappointment and frustration on the comments thrown at his teammate, Derrick Rose, who expressed about his long-term and post-basketball plans.

"As a teammate, it's frustrating because I feel like he's sometimes portrayed as something that he's not. You don't come back from the injuries he has come back from without unbelievable commitment," Noah told Chicago Tribune.

On Tuesday, Rose shared with the media that he is already thinking about his life after his basketball career which gathered a lot of negative reactions from people. ESPN said in a report that Rose did not understand why people had so many negative things to say about his statement. According to the Chicago Tribune, television analyst Charles Barkley even called Rose's comments as "stupid."

"Really, I was just being myself. As long as I'm being myself, that's the only person I can be, and that's about it. But as far as saying anything, blame me for thinking about the future, I'll probably think different, but that's all I was doing," Rose explained. He said that the injuries he suffered in the past - a torn ACL and a torn meniscus have led him to think about his plans in the future. He also added that people questioning his commitment to the team didn't bother him.

"Yeah, to a certain degree. But I can't do anything about it. I just have to let God handle that and put every performance and every article behind me every day," he told the Chicago Tribune.

Perhaps this feeling is also shared by Noah who came to Rose's defense saying that people sometimes act "like it's the end of the world."

"I know sometimes it's frustrating. You have injuries. You have tweaks. Every time something happens to him, people act like it's the end of the world. That's (bleeping) so lame to me. Like, relax. Like, OK, he's coming back from two crazy surgeries. Obviously, we're being conservative with him and when things aren't going right, he has to listen to his body more than anybody. So everybody needs to chill the (bleep) out," Noah was quoted by Chicago Tribune as saying.

Noah apologized for cursing explaining that he is just "really passionate" when talking about the recent issue on Rose.

"He doesn't say that he's down. But I don't like it when people portray him and judge him because it's not fair to him. It's not," he added.

Despite the issues being thrown at him and to the Bulls, Rose remains positive that his team will rise above the occasion and prove something to the world.

"We have a very, very good team. We know on any given night anyone can step up and have a big night. The way we share the ball, the way we pass, it's contagious," he said.

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