Updated 11:42 AM EDT, Sun, Jun 02, 2024

Black Widow Movie 2014 News & Rumors: 'Game of Thrones' Director Neil Marshall Wants to Helm Film

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Director Neil Marshall, known for his work in "Game of Thrones," and many successful movies and TV series, is eyeing a possible project that may add another feather to his cap. 

According to an interview with Vanity Fair, Marshall said he  "would love to do a Black Widow movie."

"That's perfect, I would love to do that. That character is really interesting, she doesn't have any superpowers, she just has extraordinary skills, and the world that she comes from, being this ex-K.G.B. assassin, I find that really fascinating, yeah," he added.

However, this does not necessarily confirm that Marvel is giving the green light on the project.  

Anyone who would take the time to review the movies Marshall has done in the past, like "The Descent" and "Doomsday," will notice that he often directs films "with strong female lead".

"I think I'd like to do a big movie with a strong female lead, whether or not she would be a superhero. I'm more interested in characters like Scarlett Johansson in Lucy. I'm less interested in people with superpowers because I can't identify with them. Very rarely do they get killed off, and when they do get killed off, chances are they're going to be back . . . somehow. Yes, I'd love to do a big splashy movie with a great female lead, but it has to be someone I can believe in."

With Marshall having been praised highly for his work for the HBO hit series, "Game of Thrones," it is most likely that Marvel would trust him enough to direct one of their movies, states Slashfilm.

There may be no confirmed plans yet from Marvel Studios but the possibility has always been entertained by Marvel President Kevin Feige, added Slashfilm. Besides, the realization of a Black Widow movie may still take some time, as Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson awaits the birth of her first baby.

In another interview, the 29-year-old actress expressed her openness to do a solo Black Widow film. A part of her response to the rumors said, "...and I'm, you know, I'm always willing to slip the suit back on and power through it, you know, if people want to see it."

Marshall has earned his first Primetime Emmy Award nomination in the Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series category for his work on "The Watchers on the Wall."

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